What You Need To Know About Visual Temperature Checks


Preventing the spread of disease is a high priority for any business, school, or non-profit group. One of the easiest ways to prevent disease from spreading throughout a single location is to limit contact with any individual showing active symptoms.

A fever is associated with a wide range of diseases, so body temperature checks can be effective in helping to control the spread of disease. New technology that allows for a visual temperature check is making it easier than ever for officials to monitor the health of those in their care.

Temperature-Measuring Methods

To understand why visual temperature scanning technology is so revolutionary, you have to learn how body temperature has been measured in the past. A thermometer can be inserted under the tongue, in the armpit, in the ear, or in the rectum in order to gauge body temperature.

Some advanced thermometers can be run across a person's forehead to determine body temperature. Visual temperature checks don't require any person-to-person contact, making them much less intrusive than traditional methods of measuring body temperature.

How Visual Temperature Checks Work

The premise behind visual temperature checks can be traced back to thermal imaging cameras used by fire departments and law enforcement agencies.

A thermal imaging camera is able to detect traces of heat in the surrounding environment. This heat appears as a range of colors, depending on the temperature. Firemen use thermal imaging cameras to detect smoldering embers, and law enforcement agencies use these cameras to locate suspects in hiding.

Pointing a thermal scanner directly at a person's forehead will produce a visual image. The colors that are being displayed in the image will indicate the range in which the person's body temperature falls.

Benefits of Visual Temperature Checks

As the need to check the temperature of employees, school children, and event attendees continues to rise, visual temperature checks offer a viable solution.

You will not have to utilize protective sleeves over a thermometer when checking for a fever with a visual scanner. The scanner never comes into contact with a person's skin, so you can reduce your sanitation costs.

Visual scanning can be completed quickly, which can reduce the amount of time and labor required to prevent the spread of disease in public places.

The individuals taking a person's temperature and the individual being scanned can maintain a proper distance from one another, making visual temperature checks a safe and reliable alternative to traditional thermometers.


28 October 2020

Understanding Telephone Functionality

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